Head Quarters of National tobacoo Board Guntur

Summary: Guntur has many important places and among the many important aspects, National Tobacco Board is another worth to mention organization. The National Headquarters for Tobacco Board is located in Guntur

Tobacco Board in the Guntur District of the state of Andhra Pradesh functions with the mission of striving for the entire development of tobacco growers and for the growth of Indian Tobacco industry as a whole. The vision of the board is to stay committed towards the accomplishment of its role for the smooth functioning of the vibrant farming system, remunerative and fair costs for promotion of exports and for the sake of tobacco growers.

Establishment of the board:

The Government of India, established the Tobacco Board in the place of the Tobacco Export Promotion Council as the government rightly identified the requirement to regulate production to promote export, marketing and control the instances that bring about imbalances in the supply and demand for tobacco. The actual date of introduction of the board is 1st of January 1976 and the headquarters was opened at the city of Guntur in AP.


The objective of the board is planned development of tobacco industry in the nation and the different activities of the board stated in the Tobacco Board Act 1975 for the promotion of the industry includes:

  • Regulating the production and curing of Virginia Tobacco with respect to the demand in the country and abroad.
  • Continuous scrutinizing of Virginia tobacco market, both in India and abroad and making sure that fair and remunerative cost can be obtained by the tobacco growers. This is also done to make sure that the wide cost fluctuations is reduced.

Guntur Tobacoo Barod

Functions of the board:

The National Tobacco Board in Guntur performs the following functions:

  • The board promotes grading of tobacco right at the level of growers itself.
  • The board also establishes auction platforms for sale of Virginia tobacco by registered growers and takes the role of auctioneer at auction sites either established by the board or registered by the board.
  • With a view to promote the tobacco industry, the board sponsors, encourages, co-ordinates and assists scientific, technological and economic research.
  • The board also recommends the central government about the minimum cost to be fixed for Virginia tobacco that is suitable for exports. This is done with a view to avoid unhealthy competition among exporters.
  • The board also purchases Virginia tobacco from the growers when need arises to safeguard the interest of the farmers. Then, the purchased tobacco is sold either within India or exported by the board.
  • It also propagates information that will be useful for the Virginia tobacco growers, exporters, dealers and other people dealing with tobacco in one way or another.
  • The board also works towards sustaining and improving the present international markets, besides working towards establishment of new markets for Virginia tobacco manufactured in India
  • Regulating the other aspects of Virginia tobacco marketing in India and exporting the tobacco with due interest towards manufacturers, exports and other people involved.

In short, this board that works under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Commerce of the Indian Government aims at working towards the true interest of the tobacco growers from the Guntur District of the state of AP.


Details about National Tobacco Board Guntur Last Updated: 06 December 2015