prakasam barrage fodd park 18082016

People used to stand on Prakasam Barrage and see the beauty of River Krishna. But now, thanks to Krishna Pushkaralu, people can have food on the apron area down stream the Prakasam Barrage. This area has now turned into a food park and a foodie’s paradise. This is attracting the pushkar Pilgrims, as it is a new experience to them.

The food items across the state of all areas, are available here, including the street foods. Also a separate area is used for hosting cultural programmes on the apron area. The foodies can enjoy both the food and watch the cultural programmes, with the dazzling Illuminated Praksam Barrage on the background.


Food Park on Prakasam Barrage Apron Area Attracting Pilgrims Last Updated: 18 August 2016